
Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Diet Sehat Alami

Choosing Food For Brain Health - Diet Sehat Alami

Diet Sehat Alami - Fascinating findings regarding food for brain health. The method that you eat might just have an impact around the health of this brain.

Diet Sehat Alami - So, what's best to the brain? A new study finds which a diet that regularly contains plenty of specific vitamins (B, C, D, E) together with omega-3 fats, while being lower trans fats, is the best for the mind. Older subjects who ate in this way were found to get less shrinkage in the brain (associated with Alzheimer's), and also got higher scores on tests of thinking ability than those who had less nutrient rich diets.

Earlier studies have intimated that staying on a diet that's best for one's heart can be good for mental performance also, but this latest study did things slightly differently. They used blood samples (rather than diet questionnaires) to determine the foods eaten and nutrient degrees of those that participated.

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